Sunday 14 December 2014

Cancer treatment effectiveness statistics

Statistics Review and treatment of cancer

Cancer effectiveness Statistics in Europe

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2005, died of cancer of 7.6 million people, representing 13% of all deaths in the world. In the world there are 24.6 million cancer patients, and each year approximately 10.9 million new cases.


Cancers are divided into two groups: solid tumors, malignant neoplasms are characterized by growth in certain organs such as brain, lung, liver, breast, prostate, and hematologic or hematopoietic organ tumor, e.g., leukemia. Tumors were located in the place of its origin, for example, breast or prostate, called "primary tumors." Despite their detection and treatment, they can lead to the appearance of tumors in other organs, called "secondary tumors." This state represents the movement of cancer cells from one part of the body to another, called "metastatic disease".

WAYS cancer treatment

Traditional methods for the treatment of solid cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and some other methods. Surgery and radiation are forms of local treatment as the tumor is removed, either directly or irradiated to destroy cancer cells constituent. Target chemotherapy treatment system is the introduction of drugs to kill cancer cells anywhere in the body, including surviving after topical treatment.

Surgical removal of the tumor - a conventional approach to the treatment if it is suitable for the particular patient and type of cancer. He is to remove the tumor by surgery followed by radiation therapy to kill cancer cells remaining in the tissue surrounding the tumor. Surgical removal is especially suitable for the treatment of cancers, such as breast cancer, when the tumor is well-designed and is easily accessible. Nevertheless, there are many solid cancers, surgery which presents serious difficulties. These include, for example, tumors of the brain and spinal cord, lungs, as well as many other organs. These tumors are often difficult or areas

either inside or near the vital organs. Therefore, it is difficult and sometimes even impossible to remove the tumor or diseased organ. For example, tumors located near the base of the skull, it is difficult to treat by conventional surgical methods, without risking damaging the optic paths or other vital area of the brain.

As for the penetration into the body is held incision, these methods are extremely invasive, painful and accompanied by a variety of operational and postoperative risks, including risks associated with anesthesia, infection and other complications. For example, to operate with lung tumors is very difficult because of the need to cut the sternum to gain access to the lung, as well as due to the persistent respiratory movements. Also, operations related to the lung is a serious risk of post-operative complications, including bleeding and pneumonia. Surgery is expensive, in addition, requires a lot of time for rehabilitation. This is especially true for complex and difficult operations. Moreover, the operation is not usually indicated for the treatment of elderly patients and patients in severe condition even if the remaining criteria may be quite operable.

Minimally invasive surgical techniques - in recent years there have been developed minimally invasive surgical techniques, which include cryotherapy (freezing cancer cells), radiofrequency ablation (destruction of tumor heat) as well as the introduction of ethanol into a tumor. Cancer cells can be destroyed not completely, and the energy source is capable of damaging the surrounding healthy tissues and organs. At present, the list of indications for the use of such techniques is still very limited, and that is the reason for the rare use of them.

Radiation therapy - for decades used usually as an adjunct to surgery for the treatment of tumors adjacent to the area in order to remove any remaining cancer cells. If it is impossible surgery radiation therapy is also used for the direct effect on the tumor. The goal of radiation therapy is to remove all the cancer cells in the treatment area. But also nearby healthy tissues receive significant radiation dose. In order to minimize damage to healthy tissue surrounding the tumor every day for several weeks carried out a multi-stage (multifractional) treatment. Given the relative inaccuracy of the method, radiation therapy still can damage healthy tissue, despite the separation of treatment steps or fractionation. Besides the risk of damage to healthy tissue, radiation therapy has a number of other adverse effects, including nausea and skin reactions. The nature and severity of side effects depend strongly on the treatment and on the individual patient.

Improved methods of radiotherapy - the latest advances in radiation therapy relates to an improved focus and guidance rays to reduce the exposure of healthy tissue. These achievements include radiotherapy with adjustable intensity of radiation or IMRT, making it possible to vary the intensity and shape of the tumor affecting the radiation flux and radiation therapy under visual control, or IGRT, designed to improve pointing accuracy. However, most of these methods are the source of radiation with linear accelerators gantry that rotates around one axis only, have limited range of motion, which, in turn, limits the number of places available for treatment creates the need to manually change the position of the patient during treatment. In addition, IMRT and IGRT have limited ability to precisely direct the beam of radiation to the tumor, adjust it to the shape of the tumor, record and compensate for movement of the tumor and the patient occurring during treatment. As a result, the total radiation dose in the treatment method IGRT and IMRT usually obtained, not only the tumor, but also to surrounding healthy tissue.

development of radiosurgery
Based on the known principle of destruction of cancer cells to ionizing radiation, manufacturers have developed systems for radiosurgery, the effectiveness of which was originally proved in the treatment of brain tumors, and also undertook various attempts to create accurate devices suitable for radiosurgery in any part of the body. Destroying the tumor with high doses of irradiation, radiosurgery installation proved to be effective for the topical treatment and has no risk, high cost and other constraints of traditional surgery. Radiosurgery installation, unlike radiotherapy device capable of only one or a few treatments direct high total radiation dose to the tumor accurately and not the area around it. More accurate delivery allows the use of higher doses of radiation, which increases the probability of death of cancer cells and improve treatment outcomes. Moreover, radiosurgery may be used to treat those patients who, because of age or other reasons can not bear the usual surgical intervention.

Usual radiosurgery using stereotactic frame - one of the first methods of radiosurgery, which is used to treat brain tumors and involving fixing the patient's head in the frame to improve pointing accuracy. The procedure begins with the attachment of the frame to the patient's head by screwing the screws into the skull through the skin. Apart from recording the patient's frame creates a rigid system of coordinates in which the position is determined by the swollen head. Usually after fixing frame physician using computed tomography, or CT, gets shots, which is determined by the location of the tumor in relation to the frame. Thereafter, the resultant images are used to create a plan of operation, and the patient receiving treatment. The whole process takes from four to eight hours.

Although radiosurgery using the frame represents progress in the field of cancer treatment, it is characterized by a number of restrictions. The necessity for fixing the head or body of the patient to limit the scope of the rigid frame, available for treatment. Besides using radiosurgery installation frame is generally not very successful in terms of dose delivery to tumors only. This is due to limitations in the orientation of the rays and the difficulty of combining the treated area with a shape of the tumor. Further, since it is impossible to re-establish the frame in exactly the same position for further treatment sessions, these settings are rarely used, if more than one session. Radiosurgery using the frame used for the treatment of tumors in other parts of the body, but it was accompanied by serious shortcomings. In particular, there is little point in a solid fixing the frame to the other parts of the body except the head. Tumors are localized comprised of a soft tissue organs such as the lungs, liver, pancreas, and prostate, are not fixed rigidly with respect to external reference points and can be displaced considerably influenced by the normal functions of the body. Application methods using frames similar to the treatment of tumors seldom allow to achieve the localization of the same dose delivery accuracy as in the treatment of tumors of the head. This lack of precision for tumors localized outside the head can lead to loss of efficiency and increased likelihood of radiosurgery dose delivery in healthy tissue.

Robotic Radiosurgery - after the success of radiosurgery in the treatment of head and neck tumors was created robotic radiosurgery for the treatment of solid tumors located in any part of the body and for which radiohirugiya shown as an alternative to conventional surgery. Robotic Radiosurgery control technology combines the image with a compact linear accelerator, located on a computer controlled manipulator, and allows precise delivery of high doses of radiation directly to the tumor. The system detects and tracks the movement of the patient and the tumor, and then makes a real-time adjustments to the treatment process, which typically can deliver a high radiation dose to tumor with submillimeter accuracy.

Robotic radiosurgery can be used to treat tumors that are not easily amenable to the usual surgical removal due to localization, number, size, shape or proximity to vital organs, and also because of the patient's age or state of health. For the delivery of radiation doses, closely matching the shape of the tumor, created robot manipulators with elements of artificial intelligence. Thus, a high accuracy of dose delivery, and damage to surrounding healthy tissue is minimized. Treatment also produced two to five treatments.

Treatment with robotic radiosurgery can be performed on an outpatient basis without anesthesia and the risk of complications, usually accompanied by surgical intervention. Patients do not require significant preoperative preparation and during rehabilitation or hospital stay after the procedure or a minor or non-existent. Besides robotic radiosurgery removes the need for invasive frame which is fixed with screws to the skull or other body part of the patient.

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